On behalf of the International Committee of the European Rotorcraft Forum: Thank you for your participation at the 49th ERF which has taken place for the first time in Bückeburg. Bückeburg is a town in lower saxony, located near the state capital of Hanover and surrounded by large natural areas such as the Schaumburg forest and the Weser mountains. Bückeburg is a traditional location in the history of German helicopters and is now home to the International Helicopter Training Center of the German Army Forces. In addition, Europe‘s largest helicopter museum, the Bückeburg Helicopter Museum, offers one of the world‘s largest and most impressive collection of helicopters.
Due to this Bückeburg was the perfect location for the ERF.
The ERF is one of the premier events in the rotorcraft community’s calendar bringing together experts from manufacturers, research centres, academia, operators and regulatory agencies and offering excellent networking
opportunities with attendees from many disciplines and countries. This Forum was the 49th in a series of meetings, which take place annually across Europe, rotating around the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland and Russia.
For the ERF2023 out of more than 170 abstracts our team of experts has selected about 130 excellent papers for the technical programme. Authors from all over the world has presented and discussed recent results and technology advances aiming to foster the exchange of information and views.
The scientific programme of ERF2023 can be found here.
Paper 026: “A comprehensive helicopter acoustic modeling tool based on simulation and experiment” by Frédéric Guntzer, Airbus Helicopters, Marignane, France
Paper 006: “High fidelity aerodynamic and acoustic evaluations of a heavy-lift eVTOL in hover” by Tao Zhang , School of Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester, U.K.
Godesberger Allee 70 • 53175 Bonn • erf2023@dglr.de • Fon +49 228 30805-0 • Fax +49 228 30805-24